Friday, February 1, 2008

BRING THE TROOPS HOME---still another reason

And now, we're hearing that this country is most unprepared for a disaster, attack, huge storm or other danger because our National Guard and Reserve have been so neglected or sent to Iraq! Another reason not to spend more money on keeping the combat troops in Iraq! We need as a country, to tend to this. The Democratic Debate last night was inspiring: no bickering, and no time constrains allowed more time for discussing the issues in a better way. Aside: can anyone imagine what pressure those two people were under? Put yourself in their place and think how you would have felt during the last five minutes before the cameras were turned on!!!!!! Will you have some fun today? Hope so. Marian

1 comment:

jim said...

Well here we are borrowing money from China to stimulate the economy so we can buy more from them. Maybe we should bring the troops home and spend some the money on public works and education. Thus creating job so people will have money to spend. With luck we'll actually come home some time after the election.