Friday, May 9, 2008


Well, the election has few solutions, and I don't know any of them. Therefore, I plan to think about other things. I'm reading Susan Jacoby's book, THE AGE OF AMERICAN UNREASON. I find it hard to read, but well worth the extra effort it takes to get her opinions about when, why and how we "dumbed down America". I'm also liking Geraldine Brooks book, PEOPLE OF THE BOOK. It is about a person who is stabilizing a very old and unusual book. By tracing down pieces of trivia like what one of the stains might be, she finds lots of interesting history about how the book survived the centurys. I have time to read today, so I'm having fun---Hope you do too. Marian

1 comment:

jim said...

Good morning I'm glad you have new post and are reading interesting things. I'm reading an ed psych textbook getting ready to teach the course in the fall. I'm a slow reader and need time to digest it before I go looking for other material for the course. See you soon.