Saturday, March 15, 2008


I don't know what Wharton School of Business and other big business schools teach their students about being administrators, but I HOPE they put emphasis on the fact administration is a special talent, and that not everyone can be a good one. And one way I think good ones can be judged is bythe atmosphere they create for those they administer. Do they encourage people to enjoy their work? or to be proud of what they do? or enjoy where they work, and the people with whom they work? I mean do they recognize the talents and specialties of the people who work there? Do the understand the talents for the work their workers use? Today, more than ever, the workers (poor name for the employees) know and use specialized information, tools, techniques far beyond the ken of the administrators, so it is extremely necessary for these administrators to create a good atmosphere--how many of you are administrators like that? and how many of you have had administrators like that? Well, think about it, but have some fun today. Marian

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