Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More shots at the Media ---

There was a headline in this morning's paper (Democrat Gazette) that really annoyed me: Here it is: "From S.C. to Florida, candidates in quest for primary votes honor slain leader." I'm just not so blase that I think ANY of the people running for President of the United States would praise Martin L. King just to get votes. But the media wants to influence our thinking!!!

Also, I think the former President should be VERY careful about what he says as nobody knows what Karl Rove is doing these days, and he just might be out there waiting to turn anything Bill says into trouble for his wife. Anyway, it is my opinion that the former president really doesn't have to say anything to effectively back his wife. He just has to be there. Enough for today---Marian

1 comment:

jim said...

Glad you are back.

I agree the media sees elections as races to promoted. If they can make it interesting without requiring their audiences to think so much the better.